WAN Concepts


WAN Topology

  • Point-to-Point Topology
  • Hub-and-Spoke Topology
  • Dual-Homed Topology
  • Fully Meshed Topology
  • Partially Meshed Topology

Modern WAN standards recognized authorities

  • TIA/EIA Telecommunications Industry Association and Electronic Industries Alliance
  • ISO International Organization for Standardization
  • IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

Serial Transmit / Parallel Transmit

  • Parallel Transmit faster but it is prone to synchronization problems
  • Due to the synchronization problems there is a distance limited 8 meters at most for copper cables
  • Parallel connections are viable in data center

Optical fiber protocols

  • SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy – global standard for transporting data over fiber-optic cable
  • SONET Synchronous Optical Networking – North American Standard that provides the same service as SDH

Digital capacity of copper media

  • T-Carrier – Used in north America T1 : 1.544 Mbps, T3 : 43.7 Mbps
  • E-Carrier – Used in Europe T1 :2.048 Mbps, T3 : 34.368 Mbps

Traditional WAN Technology

  1. Circuit-Switched Connections
    • PSTN (Public Service Telephone Network) – Rate of signal less than 56 kbps
    • ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) – rate of signal from 45 kbps to 2.048 Mbps
  2. Packet-Switched Connections
    • Frame Relay
    • ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Modern WAN Technology

  • Dedicated Broadband
  • Packet-Switched
    • MPLS (Multi-protocol Label Switching) Enables the WAN providers to carry any protocol as payload data
  • Internet-based Broadband

Ethernet WAN

  • Metropolitan Ethernet (Metro E)
  • Ethernet over MPLS (EoMPLS)
  • Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)

ISP Connectivity Options

  • Single-homed
  • Dual-homed
  • Multi-homed
  • Dual-multihomed

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