Understanding Stored Access Policies in Azure: Enhancing Security and Manageability

Stored Access Policy

In the realm of cloud storage, securing access to data while maintaining flexibility is a paramount concern for organizations. Microsoft Azure provides robust mechanisms to manage and control access to storage resources, one of which is Stored Access Policies. This feature offers an additional layer of security and control over Shared Access Signatures (SAS), enabling administrators to refine access permissions and revoke them as necessary without regenerating account keys. This article delves into the concept of Stored Access Policies, their benefits, implementation, and best practices for effective use in Azure Storage services.

What Are Stored Access Policies?

A Stored Access Policy is a container-level construct that allows you to define a set of constraints—such as permissions, start time, expiry time, and allowed protocols—for one or more Shared Access Signatures. By associating a SAS token with a Stored Access Policy, you gain the ability to modify or revoke the policy as needed, which in turn affects all associated SAS tokens. This provides a centralized way to manage SAS tokens and enhances security by allowing for rapid response to changing access requirements.

Stored Access Policies are supported by the following Azure Storage services:

  • Blob Storage (for containers and blobs)
  • Queue Storage (for queues)
  • Table Storage (for tables)
  • File Storage (for file shares)

Why Use Stored Access Policies?

While SAS tokens are a powerful way to grant limited access to storage resources without exposing account keys, they have limitations when used in isolation:

  1. Irrevocability: Once a SAS token is issued, it remains valid until its expiry time, and there is no straightforward way to revoke it without regenerating the storage account keys, which can be disruptive.
  2. Management Overhead: Managing multiple SAS tokens individually can become cumbersome, especially when dealing with numerous clients or applications.
  3. Security Risks: Long-lived SAS tokens pose a security risk if they are compromised, as they cannot be easily invalidated.

Stored Access Policies address these issues by:

  • Allowing administrators to revoke access by modifying or deleting the policy associated with the SAS tokens.
  • Enabling the management of multiple SAS tokens through a single policy.
  • Providing the ability to update permissions and expiry times centrally without the need to redistribute new SAS tokens.

How Do Stored Access Policies Work?

When you create a SAS token, you can associate it with a Stored Access Policy by specifying the policy identifier (a unique name within the scope of the container or resource). The SAS token then inherits the constraints defined in the policy.

Key components of a Stored Access Policy include:

  • Identifier: A unique name within the container or resource scope.
  • Permissions: Specifies the allowed operations (e.g., read, write, delete).
  • Start Time: The time when the policy becomes active.
  • Expiry Time: The time when the policy expires.
  • Protocols: Specifies whether the SAS is valid for HTTP, HTTPS, or both (for blob and file services).

By modifying the Stored Access Policy, you can immediately affect all SAS tokens linked to it. For example, changing the expiry time or permissions in the policy updates the access rights for all associated SAS tokens.

Implementing Stored Access Policies

Step 1: Create a Stored Access Policy

To create a Stored Access Policy, you need to use Azure Storage SDKs, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell, as the Azure Portal does not currently support creating Stored Access Policies directly.

Example using Azure PowerShell for a Blob Container:

# Define storage account context
$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName "yourstorageaccount" -StorageAccountKey "youraccountkey"
#Get a reference to the container
$container = Get-AzStorageContainer -Name "yourcontainer" -Context $context
#Define the policy
$policy = New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy
  -Container $container
   -Policy "mypolicy"
   -Permission "rwdl"
   -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5)
   -ExpiryTime (Get-Date).AddHours(1)
#Apply the policy

Permissions Legend:

  • r: Read
  • w: Write
  • d: Delete
  • l: List
  • a: Add (for queues and tables)
  • u: Update (for tables)
  • p: Process (for queues)
Step 2: Generate a SAS Token Associated with the Policy

With the Stored Access Policy in place, generate a SAS token that references the policy identifier.

Example using Azure PowerShell:

# Generate SAS token
$sasToken = New-AzStorageBlobSASToken
   -Container "yourcontainer"
   -Context $context
   -Policy "mypolicy"
#Construct the full URI
$blobUri = "https://yourstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/yourcontainer/yourblob?$sasToken"

Step 3: Use the SAS Token in Applications or Clients

Provide the SAS URI to clients or applications that require access. They can use this URI to perform the permitted operations until the policy expires or is modified.

Managing Stored Access Policies

  • Updating a Policy: Modify permissions or expiry times as needed. Changes take effect immediately for all associated SAS tokens.
  • Revoking Access: Delete the Stored Access Policy to immediately revoke access for all SAS tokens linked to it.
  • Policy Limitations: Each container or resource can have up to five Stored Access Policies. Plan accordingly to manage access effectively.

Best Practices for Using Stored Access Policies

  1. Use Short-Lived SAS Tokens with Policies: Even though policies can be modified, it’s still a good practice to keep SAS tokens’ lifetime short to minimize risks if they are compromised.

  2. Limit Permissions: Grant the minimal required permissions to perform necessary tasks. Follow the principle of least privilege to enhance security.

  3. Regularly Review Policies: Periodically audit your Stored Access Policies to ensure they are up-to-date and comply with your organization’s security policies.

  4. Secure Distribution: Transmit SAS tokens securely over HTTPS and avoid exposing them in insecure channels or logs.

  5. Monitor Access: Utilize Azure Storage Analytics to monitor the usage of SAS tokens and detect any unauthorized access patterns.

  6. Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming conventions for policy identifiers to simplify management and auditing.

Advantages of Using Stored Access Policies

  • Centralized Control: Manage access for multiple clients through a single policy.
  • Immediate Revocation: Quickly revoke access without regenerating account keys.
  • Flexibility: Update permissions and expiry times as requirements change.
  • Enhanced Security: Reduce the risk associated with long-lived SAS tokens.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Policy Limit per Resource: You can have up to five Stored Access Policies per container, queue, table, or file share. Design your policies to accommodate this limit.
  • Time Synchronization: Ensure that client systems have accurate time settings to avoid issues with start and expiry times.
  • Unsupported in Azure Portal: Creation and management of Stored Access Policies must be done via SDKs, CLI, or PowerShell, not through the Azure Portal.


Stored Access Policies are a powerful feature in Azure Storage that enhances the security and manageability of Shared Access Signatures. By allowing administrators to define, modify, and revoke access permissions centrally, they provide greater control over who can access storage resources and for how long. Implementing Stored Access Policies as part of your access management strategy can significantly improve your organization’s security posture while providing the flexibility needed to support various application scenarios.

By understanding and applying the best practices outlined in this article, you can effectively leverage Stored Access Policies to secure your Azure Storage resources, streamline access management, and ensure compliance with organizational security policies.

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