Ethernet, IPv4 and IPv6 headers

As data travels through the network, it is encapsulated into various headers at each layer of the network model. This process of encapsulation ensures that the data is properly formatted and routed to its intended destination. Let’s examine the different headers that are added to the data as it moves through the network layers.More

Network Basic Concept

Same-layer and Adjcent-layer Interaction Same-layer interaction refers to the communications between the same TCP/IP layer in different devices. Such as a computer transits a Layer 3 packet to another computer, the receiving computer will handle the data at the same layer. Adjcent-layer interaction refers to the communications between upper and lower layers. For example, the…More

MAC Address and IP Address

MAC Address MAC address is 6 bytes (48 bits) long and represented by 12 hexadecimal digits. The first 3 bytes are assigned to the NIC manufacturer by IEEE which is globally unique and is known as the OUI (Organizationally unique identifier). The last 3 bytes are assigned to the device by the vendors, which results…More

OSI and TCP/IP layers

The OSI model defines seven layers, from top to bottom: Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical In contrast, the TCP/IP model simplifies this to four layers, from top to bottom: Application Internet Transport Network Access Specifically, the top three layers of the OSI model are consolidated into the Application Layer in TCP/IP, while…More