DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration version 6) and SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration)
- The host will use 1 of the 3 methods defined by the ICMPv6 RA(Router Advertisement) message received on the interface to obtain the IPv6 address automatically.
- The Link Local address will be created automatically when the host boots and the interface is active.
- Sometime there is %number appended the link local address. This is known as a Zone ID or Scope ID. It is used by the OS to associate the Link local address with a specific interface.
Dynamic IPv6 GUA Assignment
- Stateless
- SLAAC only (ALl information is provided by RA message)
- SLAAC and Stateless DHCPv6 server (RA message provides the IPv6 configuration information and additional information is provided by Stateless DHCPv6 server)
- Stateful
- Stateful DHCPv6 server (Hosts obtain IPv6 address information from a stateful DHCPv6 server and the RA message only provide the default gateway information)
- Although the hosts follow the suggestion of RA message, but the actual decision is ultimately up to the host.
3 RA Message Flags
- A flag (Address Auto Configuration. SLAAC)
- O flag (Other Configuration. Stateless DHCPv6 Server)
- M flag (Managed Address Configuration. Stateful DCHPv6 Server)
RA Flags combination
- A flag=1 , O flag=0 , M flag=0 (SLAAC only)
- A flag=1 , O flag=1 , M flag=0 (SLAAC and Stateless DHCPv6 Server)
- A flag=0 , M flag=1 (Stateful DHCPv6 Server only)
- To enable the sending of RA message, a router must join the IPv6 all-routers group (FF02::2) using the command
R1(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
- An IPv6-enabled router sends RA messages to the IPv6 all-nodes multicast address FF02::1 every 200 seconds.
- SLAAC method is enabled by default.
- The client can use EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) method to generate the 64 bits interface ID
- Generate the 64 bits interface ID randomly.
- The default gateway is the source address of the RA message
RS message
- when a client is configured to obtain the address information automatically, it sends an RS message to the IPv6 all-routers multicast address of FF02::2
DAD (Duplicated Address Detection)
- The host sends an ICMPv6 NS (Neighbor Solicitation) message with a solicited-node multicast address. This address duplicates the last 24 bits of IPv6 address of the host.
- If no other devices respond with a NA (Neighbor Advertisement) message, then the address is unique and can be used.
- If there is a NA message received, the host has to determine a new interface ID to use.
DHCPv6 Operation Steps
- Host sends an RS (Router Solicitation) message (FF02::2 to all IPv6-enabled routers)
- Router responds with an RA (Router Advertisement) message
- Host sends a DHCPv6 SOLICIT message (FF02::1:2 reserved IPv6 multicast All-DHCPv6-Servers address. This address has link-local scope which means routers do not forward the messages to other networks.)
- DHCPv6 server responds with an ADVERTISE unicast message to inform client that server is available for service.
- Host responds to DHCPv6 Server
- Stateless DHCPv6 client
- The client creates the IPv6 address using the prefix in the RA message and a self-generated Interface ID.
- The client sends a DHCPv6 INFORMATION-REQUEST message to the DHCPv6 server requesting additional configuration (e.g.,DNS)
- Stateful DHCPv6 client
- The client sends a DHCPv6 REQUEST message to the DHCPv6 server to obtain all IPv6 configuration.
- Stateless DHCPv6 client
- DHCPv6 Server sends a unicast REPLY message
Stateless DHCPv6 Operation
- The stateless DHCPv6 server is only providing configuration information that is identical for all devices, not IPv6 address.
Enable stateless DHCPv6 on an interface
R1(config-if)# ipv6 nd other-config-flag
# this command set the flag O=1
Set defalt SLAAC only again
R1(config-if)# no ipv6 nd other-config-flag
Enable Stateful DHCPv6 on an interface
R1(config-if)# ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
# this command set the flag M=1
R1(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix default no-autoconfig
# this command set the flag A=0
Configure a stateless DHCPv6 server
R1(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
R1(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool IPV6-STATELESS
R1(config-if)# ipv6 nd other-config-flag
R1(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp server IPV6-STATELESS
Configure a stateless DHCPv6 Client
R3(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
R3(config-if)# ipv6 enable
# create a Link-local address
R3(config-if)# ipv6 address autoconfig
# use SLAAC
Configure a stateful DHCPv6 Server
R1(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
R1(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool IPV6-STATEFUL
R1(config-dhcpv6)# address prefix 2001:db8:acad:1::/64
R1(config-if)# ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
R1(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix default no-autoconfig
R1(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp server IPV6-STATEFUL
Configure a stateful DHCPv6 Client
R3(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing
R3(config-if)# ipv6 enable
R3(config-if)# ipv6 address dhcp
Configure a DHCPv6 relay agent
R1(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:db8:acad:1::2 G0/0/0