Azure Load Balancer: Ensuring High Availability and Scalability

Load Balancer

In the digital age, where high availability and responsiveness are critical for any online service, load balancing stands as a cornerstone technology in network management. Azure Load Balancer, a robust built-in service provided by Microsoft Azure, orchestrates traffic distribution among multiple servers or services within a network, ensuring no single server bears too much demand. This comprehensive guide explores Azure Load Balancer in detail, covering its functionality, types, configuration, and best practices.

What is Azure Load Balancer?

Azure Load Balancer is a Layer 4 (TCP, UDP) load balancer that provides high availability by distributing incoming traffic among healthy service instances in cloud services or virtual machines. It operates at the transport layer, routing traffic based on protocol data like TCP or UDP ports. Azure Load Balancer can be configured to load balance internal traffic within a virtual network (VNet) or external traffic coming from the internet.

Key Features of Azure Load Balancer

  1. Scalability: Automatically scales with increasing traffic, handling millions of flows for all TCP and UDP applications.
  2. Health Probes: Monitors the health of the service instances using configurable health probes. If a service instance fails, Load Balancer stops sending traffic to that instance and reroutes traffic to healthy instances.
  3. Session Persistence: Provides session persistence mechanisms, also known as sticky sessions, which can be essential for ensuring that user sessions are maintained without disruption.
  4. Port Forwarding: Supports port forwarding, which is critical for applications like web servers or VPN servers where traffic needs to be redirected to specific ports on VMs.
  5. Secure by Default: All data paths are secure, and the Load Balancer configuration ensures isolation while remaining transparent from a security standpoint.

Types of Azure Load Balancers

Azure offers two types of Load Balancers:

  1. Azure Public Load Balancer: Distributes traffic coming from the internet to your VMs in the Azure VNet. This type of load balancer is designed to handle inbound internet traffic efficiently, ensuring applications are capable of scaling while maintaining availability and security.

  2. Azure Internal Load Balancer (ILB): Distributes network traffic on a private network that is defined within a VNet. This type is used for traffic between virtual networks, including traffic between a frontend Internet-facing service and a backend pool within a VNet.

How Does Azure Load Balancer Work?

Azure Load Balancer includes two basic components:

  • Frontend: This is the IP address that receives incoming network traffic. This can be public (for internet-facing load balancers) or private (for internal load balancers).
  • Backend Pool: The group of resources that serve incoming traffic. This pool usually includes a set of VMs or a set of instances from a virtual machine scale set.

Load Balancing Algorithms

Azure Load Balancer uses a hash-based distribution algorithm. It computes a hash based on five tuples (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and protocol type) to map traffic to available servers. The choice of this deterministic algorithm ensures that connections remain intact as long as the backend pool remains unchanged.

Setting Up Azure Load Balancer

Step 1: Define Your Load Balancer Type

Choose between a public and an internal load balancer based on whether you need to balance load for internet-facing service or internal traffic.

Step 2: Create a Load Balancer

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal.
  2. Create a Load Balancer:
    • Go to Create a resource > Networking > Load Balancer.
    • Fill in the necessary details like name, type (Public or Internal), subscription, resource group, and location.
    • Choose a public IP address if creating a public load balancer.

Step 3: Configure Backend Pool

  • Define the backend pool by selecting the VMs or scale sets that will receive the traffic.

Step 4: Configure Health Probes

  • Set up health probes to monitor the health of the application running on backend VMs. Azure Load Balancer uses these probes to decide the distribution of load.

Step 5: Configure Load Balancing Rules

  • Define the rules that determine how traffic is distributed to the VMs. These include defining the front-end IP configuration, the backend pool, and the required ports.

Best Practices for Using Azure Load Balancer

  1. Use Health Probes Effectively: Configure health probes to accurately reflect the application health to prevent traffic from being sent to unhealthy instances.

  2. Optimize Throughput: For applications requiring high throughput, consider using multiple load balancers or combining them with Azure Traffic Manager to ensure optimal responsiveness and resource utilization.

  3. Security: Secure your applications by combining Azure Load Balancer with network security groups (NSGs) to control inbound and outbound traffic to the VMs in the backend pool.

  4. Monitoring and Alerts: Utilize Azure Monitor and alerts to keep track of your load balancer’s performance and health. Monitoring can help detect and rectify issues before they impact your application’s availability.

  5. Session Persistence: If your applications require session persistence, configure the Load Balancer rule to use Client IP affinity.


Azure Load Balancer is a fundamental tool that ensures high availability and smooth operation of applications by distributing incoming traffic across multiple servers or instances. Whether managing traffic for large-scale applications across the internet or within private networks, Azure Load Balancer provides a critical service that enhances performance, provides fault tolerance, and ensures application resilience. By understanding and implementing Azure Load Balancer in your deployments, you can significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of your Azure operations.

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