
IPv6 addressing

IPv4 and IPv6 coexsitence

  • Methods that help administror to transmit from IPv4 to IPv6.
    1. Dual Stack: IPv4 and IPv6 coexist on the same network
    2. Tunneling: Transport IPv6 packet over IPv4 network by encapsulating the IPv6 packet into IPv4 packet.
    3. Translation: Like the NAT for IPv4, NAT64 translate the IPv4 packet


  • 128 bits
  • represented by 32 hexadecimal digits which seperated by colons every four hexadecimal digits
  • the block of four hexadecimal digits called hextet

Rules that reduce the digits

  1. omit leading zeros in any hextec
  2. double colon
    • double colon can replace any sigle, contiguous string of one or more 16-bit hextet consisting of all zeros.
    • double colon can be used only once with an adress.
    • if the address has more than one contiguous string of all zero hextet, the best prectice is to use the double colon on the longest string.
    • if length of the strings are equal, the first one shoule use the double colon

IPv6 address type

  1. Unicast: Similar as IPv4

    • Global Unicast Address, gloablly unique internet routable address, it’s similar as the IPv4 public address and can be assigned statically and dynamically.
      • Currently, only GUAs with the first 3 bits are assigned.
      • 2000::/3
      • Composition
        • /48 Global routing prefix
        • /16 Subnet ID
        • /64 Interface ID
          All 0s address is reserved as subnet-router anycast address and it should be assigned only to routers
    • Link-local Address, it’s required for every IPv6 device. It’s used to communicate with the devices on the same local network, so the router will not forward packets with a link-local address.

      • fe80::/10
      • if the link-local address is not created manually, the device will create it automatically.
        • Generate the ramdon values
        • EUI (Extended Unique Identifier) method
          • Fisrt, split the MAC address into 2 pieces
          • Intsert FFFE in the middle of MAC address
          • Flip/Invert the 7th bit
    • Loop back address: ::1/128
    • Unique local address,it’s used for communicate within a orgnization or site, it’s sililar with the IPv4 private address.
      • fc00::/7
  2. Multicast: Same as IPv4 : ff00:/8

    1. Well-Known Multicast Addresses
      • The addresses are assigned which are reserved multipul addresses for predefined gourp of devices. THe assigned adress is used to reach a group of device that running common protocol or service.
      • 2 common assigned multicast groups
        • ff02::1 All-nodes multicast gourp. Same as broadcast in IPv4
        • ff02::2 All-routers multicast group.
    2. Solicited-node Multicast Addresses
  3. Anycast
    • Any unicast address can be assigned to multiple devices. A packet sent to an anycast address is routed to the nearest device having that address

IPv6 GUA (Global Unique Address) Assignment

  • Configure the GUA mannually
    • GUA and LLA can both be specified as default gateway address. But LLA is recommended.

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