NTFS vs. Share Permissions: Understanding the Differences

When managing file and folder access in a Windows environment, understanding the distinction between NTFS (New Technology File System) permissions and share permissions is crucial. Both types of permissions control access to resources, but they do so in different contexts and with different scopes.

NTFS Permissions

NTFS Permissions are used to control access to files and folders stored on NTFS-formatted volumes. These permissions are set on the file system level and provide detailed control over what users can do with the files and folders.

Key Characteristics of NTFS Permissions:

  1. Scope: Apply to both local and network users accessing the resource.
  2. Granularity: Offer a high level of granularity, allowing specific permissions to be set for individual files and folders.
  3. Inheritance: Permissions can be inherited from parent folders to child objects, making it easier to manage permissions across large directory structures.
  4. Permission Types: Include Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Write.
  5. Effective Permissions: When multiple permissions apply (e.g., a user is a member of multiple groups with different permissions), the most permissive rights are generally granted, unless explicitly denied.

Configuring NTFS Permissions:

  1. Right-click the file or folder and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Security tab.
  3. Click Edit to change permissions.
  4. Add or select a user/group and specify the permissions.

Share Permissions

Share Permissions are used to control access to shared folders over a network. These permissions are applied at the network share level and are simpler than NTFS permissions.

Key Characteristics of Share Permissions:

  1. Scope: Apply only to network users accessing the shared folder.
  2. Granularity: Less granular than NTFS permissions, with only three permission levels: Full Control, Change, and Read.
  3. Combined with NTFS Permissions: When accessing a shared folder over the network, both share permissions and NTFS permissions are evaluated. The most restrictive permission applies.
  4. Permission Types:
    • Full Control: Allows users to read, change, and delete files and subfolders.
    • Change: Allows users to read, execute, write, and delete files and folders.
    • Read: Allows users to view and execute files and folders.

Configuring Share Permissions:

  1. Right-click the folder you want to share and select Properties.
  2. Go to the Sharing tab.
  3. Click Advanced Sharing and then Permissions.
  4. Add or select a user/group and specify the permissions.

Key Differences Between NTFS and Share Permissions

Scope of Application:

  • NTFS Permissions: Apply to local and network users. Effective regardless of how the file or folder is accessed.
  • Share Permissions: Apply only to network users accessing the resource via a network share.

Granularity and Control:

  • NTFS Permissions: Provide detailed and granular control over individual files and folders.
  • Share Permissions: Provide simpler, less granular control over shared folders.

Inheritance and Propagation:

  • NTFS Permissions: Support inheritance, where permissions set on a parent folder can be propagated to child files and folders.
  • Share Permissions: Do not support inheritance. They apply only to the shared folder and not its contents specifically.

Permission Levels:

  • NTFS Permissions: Include various levels such as Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Write.
  • Share Permissions: Include only Full Control, Change, and Read.

Combined Use:

  • Combined Effect: When a shared folder is accessed over the network, both share permissions and NTFS permissions apply. The most restrictive permission will take precedence. For example, if a user has Read permission at the share level but Full Control at the NTFS level, the user will only have Read access over the network.

Example Scenario

Suppose you have a folder, Documents, which is shared on the network and stored on an NTFS volume.

  • NTFS Permissions:

    • User Alice has Full Control.
    • User Bob has Read & Execute.
  • Share Permissions:

    • Everyone group has Read permission.

When Alice accesses the folder locally, she has Full Control. When she accesses it over the network, the share permissions restrict her to Read access only, as the most restrictive permission applies.

When Bob accesses the folder locally, he can read and execute files. Over the network, he also can only read, aligning with the share permission.


Both NTFS and share permissions are essential for managing access to resources in a Windows environment. NTFS permissions offer detailed, granular control and apply universally, while share permissions provide an additional layer of control for network access. Understanding and correctly configuring both types of permissions is key to ensuring secure and appropriate access to files and folders in your network.

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